Our Goal

Our Goal is to develop our rural property, preserving its history and tradition, but transforming it to combine nature and technology, into a sustainable and green facility to support remote co-working and living spaces, in a peaceful and tranquil natural paradise.

Join us in our quest. We are looking for investment partners to make this a reality.

Digital Nomads

We are creating a place that brings people together in a peaceful natural setting, provide a remote co-working center for individuals or corporate teams, fully equipped for tele-working, conferencing and living facilities.

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Specialty Centers

Technology Center: is where companies can showcase their latest technologies

Eco Center: is for showcasing various smart technologies for sustainability, energy efficiency, organic gardening and vertical farming. 

Social Center: is to bring together young and old, share experiences, mutual learning, facilities and events for socialising.

Software Center: with all the supports for team collaboration and tools for software development

3D Services Center: with spaces for 3D scanning, 3D design and 3D printing.

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Project Development (Information for Investors)

We anticipate four stages of development to bring our vision to life, starting with the main building and barn, then small tele-working cabins, and larger cabins and finally renovating the existing house into offices and technology work spaces.


We are looking for investors and partners to work with us to bring this to life.

Interested to Join Our Team - Click here.

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